The 4 Secrets

To getting your husband to open up, engage & truly connect

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Right now you’re convinced that your husband has absolutely no idea how to emotionally support you. 

And any attempt you make to tell him how he hurts your feelings or isn’t there for you when you need him, he gets defensive, angry and withdraws.  He doesn’t like hearing about himself and nor does he want to be in the spotlight this way.


So how are you supposed to become a stronger couple when your husband doesn’t want to have open, calm communication about what to improve/how to love each other better. 


The longer this goes on, the lonelier you feel.  And it’s not that you don’t love each other.  You absolutely do.  He’s your person, but bc you haven’t been able to successfully talk through issues as they arise, the tension is building and the distance is growing.

And sadly, your mind is going to thoughts of separation or divorce.  That feels extreme, but you don’t know what else to do.

Here’s the good news: I do. 

In my 25 year career I have helped 100’s of women and couples go from where you are right now to having deep meaningful conversations that make you feel emotionally close again.  I’ve also created this in my marriage w/ my hubs of 20 years.

And I’m going to be teach you this in my brand new masterclass:

The 4 Secrets to getting your hubs to open up, engage & truly connect.

In this MC I’ll show you: 

  • Why your husband won’t open up and exactly what to do to get him to start talking
  • The strategies I use with men that makes them go from shutting down during convos to engaging in a 2 way reciprocal discussion that makes your marriage feel alive again. 
  • How I help my clients turn their disconnected marriage into one where your hubs is your biggest supporter, taps you out when you are overwhelmed and gives you what you need w/o asking for it.
  • How my clients are having connected conversations that make them feel giddy to talk to each other, rather than feeling like you’re talking to a wall. 

It is possible for you to feel seen, heard and understood by your partner.

It is possible to feel loved in all the ways you crave.

It is possible to have deep meaningful convos with the one person who accepts all of you w/o judgment.

The marriage you dream of.  The one you know you’re meant for….Is waiting for you.  Take the first step in creating that for yourself.  

Hi! I'm Carrie Cohen

I've been a practicing psychotherapist for 25 years and have worked with well over 1000 women, men and couples in that time.  

Following graduate school at New York University, I continued my education through post-grad training.  I spent 15 years studying depth psychology and training in a variety couples therapy methods including The Gottman Approach, The Developmental Model, EFT for Couples, Attachment Therapy and Psychodynamic Couples Therapy.

Not only do I bring a vast scope of professional experience and training, but I'm also a wife and a mom.  My husband and I are celebrating 20 years of marriage.  We are the happiest we've ever been, but it hasn't always been that way.  We spent a number of years doing our own marital work, which has enabled us to create and maintain a strong foundation with a love that we know will last a lifetime.Â