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Are you tired of questioning whether your husband is really the one when you know he's such an incredible man?


Yes I am

Are you tired of questioning whether your husband is really the one when you know he's such an incredible man?

This 7 Day Challenge is going to teach you how to regulate your nervous system and tune into your body so that you can get out of your head and feel present to receive connection & intimacy in your loving marriage. 

Yes I am

You are married to a good man.  One who you knew was for you when you decided to go ALL IN.  He was everything you could've hoped for. 

Right now, you’re knee-deep in doubt, questioning everything about your marriage. Is he the right guy for you? Are you sure you're in the right marriage?  And you're comparing him to some perfect, idealistic version of a man (who frankly doesn't even exist).

The milk left out, the front door unlocked overnight, the socks on the floor.  If only he would just pay more attention.  If only he would do it the way I showed him.

You're making him feel like he needs to be fixed and he's getting to the end of his rope.

Your mind has you thinking that if he just made those changes, you'd feel better about him, your connection and your marriage.

Well let me tell you....

It’s not a 'him' problem.  You already know that he's a loving, caring, great man. You felt like the luckiest woman in the world to have found someone who loved you so deeply.  

But because you hold yourself to such a high standard and you don't know how to relax in your relationship - you're zooming in on all the surface level issues.

What this is actually about is that you have triggers in your body from being on overdrive all the time.


And being a Type A, perfectionist - he can't possibly live up to your extremely high standards.  And so your brain is creating a story that he's just not good enough.


But really what YOU need to work on is regulating your nervous system.  


Getting grounded in your body.  Becoming more present and open to receiving connection in your life and in your body.  And when you can do that, you'll be more open to receiving love, connection, intimacy and friendship from the incredible man that's right in front of you. 

And that's exactly what we are moving through in this 7 Day experience.  

You’ll go from feeling like you’re drowning in overthinking, 2nd guessing & self-doubt to KNOWING you are with the love of your life. 

Imagine feeling deeply connected to your husband again, sharing laughter, joy & intimacy instead of nitpicking & criticism. 

So, what are you waiting for? 

This is the moment you take healthy control.  In just 7 days you'll know exactly how to end the overthinking, 2nd guessing, & nitpicking your marriage.  

Your loving marriage doesn't have to crumble. Your incredible life doesn't have to fall apart.  It's not out of your hands.  The power is already in you.  It's time to step into it.  It's not him.  It's the chaos in your mind that stops here. 


In The Next 7 Days, You Will

  • Want to be intimate with your hubby again and you'll be thinking damn "I didn't realize I love having sex this much!"
  • Be laughing & chatting over dinner again feeling his gaze which warms you up. 
  • Clear the doubt that's taking you away from receiving his love & affection.
  • Know exactly what sets you off and how to calm yourself so that you don't say things you'll regret later. 
  • Seek out those deep, meaningful conversations with your hubby because feeling present now feels so damn good.
This is the program that's going to take you from second-guessing every little thing about your relationship to feeling fiercely secure and head-over-heels in love!

7 Days to Get Out of Your Head 

Instead of feeling triggered every time he 'messes up' you’re going to be like "Lets crack open a bottle of wine, turn on some music and make this the best damn Tuesday night we can possibly have".

Your friends will be asking what you did and how you did it!

Are you ready for this?  I know I am!  And I know how damn good you're going to feel at the end of this.

7 Days to Get Out of Your Head & Into Your Body

Pay In Full


And it's yours to keep for life!


And if we haven't met yet, I'm Carrie Cohen

I've been a practicing psychotherapist for 25 years working with busy women and couples.  After completing graduate school at New York University, I continued my training.  I spent 15 years studying depth psychology, as well deepening my understanding in couples therapy.

In 2020, I moved my practice out of my office and into my home.  Since then, I've expanded globally and now work with women and couples all over the world.

I have worked with well over 1000 clients helping women and couples reinvest in themselves and their marriage, reclaim their true self and create the extraordinary life they know they're meant for.

Also a busy wife and mom just like you; however these days I am anchored in who I am and how I move through my life, but it wasn't always that way.

In 2014 I noticed feeling the burnout from the way I was living my life: 

  • Leaving for the office before sunrise and returning long after dark.
  • Time was a precious commodity, which I had very little of.
  • I lived for the weekends, but barely had the energy to enjoy them.
  • My emotions were volatile, feeling like I was on a roller coaster with high highs and low lows that I had no control over.
  • I had zero patience, which made for a very tumultuous household.
  • I felt distant from my husband and was missing out on the joy of raising my daughter.

It took me a couple of years, but I eventually figured out what I needed to do to get off this hamster wheel.

I double downed on my own inner work, learned about regulating my nervous system, started practicing embodiment work to connect my mind with my body, released parts of my identity and beliefs that were no longer serving me...

And all of this created space to start a new workout regimen, eat nutritionally, play on my weekends, have work-free vacations and experience a zest for life again that I hadn't felt in years.  

Are you next?


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